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AirCheck G3 注冊和激活步驟
AirCheck G3s require an activation code for product usage. You have 30 days from first start up to register the product and receive your product Activation Code. The following will take you step-by-step to Register you AirCheck G3 product and receive and enter your Activation Code.
翻譯:AirCheck G3需要激活碼才能使用產品。從首次啟動起,您有30天的時間注冊產品并收到您的產品激活碼。以下內容將帶您逐步注冊AirCheck G3產品,并接收并輸入您的激活碼。
1. Using Chrome, Edge, or Safari browsers, login to Registered Products page from, located in the top right, under Sign In, on NetAlly.com.
If you are a new user, simply set up a new account following the steps under CREATING AN ACCOUNT described here:
KB Article · Customer Self-Service (netally.com)
2. Select Register Product(選擇注冊產品)
3. Input the requested information including Serial Number, Product Name (will auto-populate), Purchase Date (using the calendar or month/day/year format), and Company name from whom the product was purchased.
4. After selecting, Register Product, your registered products page should load. If you do not see the product that you just registered, you may need to wait 5 – 10 seconds and refresh the page. Note that your AllyCare Support may take up to 72 hours to be displayed. If you have claimed your AirCheck G3 on Link-Live, you may not see your AllyCare reflected until the AllyCare registration process has been completed.
翻譯:選擇“注冊產品”后,應加載您的注冊產品頁面。如果您沒有看到剛剛注冊的產品,您可能需要等待5-10秒才能刷新頁面。請注意,您的AllyCare支持可能需要長達72小時才能顯示。如果您已經在Link Live上領取了AirCheck G3,在AllyCare注冊過程完成之前,您可能不會看到您的AllyCare得到反映。
From this page, select the Get Code link to the right of your AirCheck G3.
翻譯:在此頁面中,選擇AirCheck G3右側的“獲取代碼”鏈接。
5. A pop-up dialogue should appear at the top of your browser window.
6. Input this code on the Activation screen that appears when you power on your AirCheck G3 and tap VALIDATE.
翻譯:在打開AirCheck G3電源時出現的激活屏幕上輸入此代碼,然后點擊VALIDATE。
NOTE: If you receive an authentication code with the letter "n", that is not a valid character. Please log out and log in again using Chrome, Edge or Safari browsers.
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